Sweet suga tang – Nylon Outfitters Skins

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

1–>These aren’t skins for cookie cutter face shapes. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told ‘I just can’t make them look good on my shape’ – this might be bad luck for Ms Pinkney’s sales figures, but it’s bloody wonderful for yours truly… And in a sea of Minnus and Chais (great skins both), I do love the hand-drawn savvy that instantly sets me apart from the crowd.


2–> The make up selection ranges from minimal through to outlandish. Perhaps a moot point, as most skin ranges will offer the same, but for those a little frightened of the hand-drawn aspect, it’s worth noting. You can still wear your formal wear with a (NO) skin, just as you can hot-foot it to an 80’s retrospective. GO CRAZY!


3–> Fatpacks are available. If I loves them, I wants them immediately, and I wants them in a big juicy box of goodness. Less time buying, more time wearing.

4 –> I believe it was Aemilia Villota who said hand-drawn skins and hand-drawn clothes are the best match for each other, as are photosourced to photosourced items. Any guesses my personal preference?!


5 –> The collective of artists who run Tableau, including Nylon Pinkney, Toast Bard, Barnesworth Anubis, Ingrid Ingersoll, Polyester Partridge and more, offer a holistic and immersive shopping experience. The (relatively) new Tableau is a humid swamp-land, filled with ragtime jazz, creaking crickets and radioactive Louisiana catfish (dance clubs occasionally included). Their sim isn’t just another place to TP into for sales, it forms part of the SL cultural backdrop… Where were you when the aliens destroyed Tableau? Did you get burned in the great lava spew of 2007?


(too much? almost there)

6 –> Nylon refrains from drawing genitals. Hoo-fuckin-ray. I don’t care how pretty the kitty, I say buy more clothes and keep the pink bits in your mind (mmmm… mind flaps).

Sure, there are more ways I have love for thee, Nylon (Roman! Herschel! Photobooth! Karaoke!), but I might keep a wee bit of love to myself… harder without the girlie bits, though.


Where to buy? Follow on…

Skins | Nylon Outfitters
$800 – individual skin
$7000 – Skin tone fatpack
Recent ranges
Sweet Apple | Tangy Orange | Brown Suga
Cheesecake | Tiramisu | Mocha (11 skins – tintable)
Pearl | Poppy | Pepper (8 skins)
Hair | Hiccup – Paper Tiger (best break up song ever)
Clothes | Nylon Outfitters

~ by Genevieve Lutetia on January 25, 2008.

3 Responses to “Sweet suga tang – Nylon Outfitters Skins”

  1. and you look awesome in it

  2. […] I’ve not been inworld of late, so I wasn’t able to replicate the pose, clothes or hair. In fact, I’ve used a headshot from one of my first posts, about Nylon Pinkney’s skins. […]

  3. […] Nylon Pinkney and Nylon Outfitters is well documented; she was the first content creator to open my little newbie mind to the artistic possibilities of […]

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